Most operations here are the ArchGDAL operations that are exported again to work on Vectors of geometries as well. Like buffer
below, it just calls buffer.(df.geom)
, note the dot. Hence, if you can't find your preferred ArchGDAL operations, you can still apply them yourself.
Geometric operations
df.geom = buffer(df.geom, 10); # points turn into polygons
10×2 DataFrame
Row │ geom name
│ IGeometr… String
1 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
2 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
3 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
4 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
5 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
6 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
7 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
8 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
9 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
10 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon test
#Either reproject the whole dataframe (which will set the correct metadata):
dfr = reproject(df, EPSG(4326), EPSG(28992))
# Or reproject the individual geometries only:
df.geometry = reproject(df.geometry, EPSG(4326), EPSG(28992))
10-element Vector{ArchGDAL.IGeometry{ArchGDAL.wkbPolygon}}:
Geometry: POLYGON ((-472026.042542408 -4406233.59953401,-537 ... 401))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-417143.506054105 -4395423.99277048,-482 ... 048))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-450303.142569437 -4301418.89063867,-515 ... 867))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-434522.645535154 -4351075.81124634,-500 ... 634))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-443909.665585927 -4412565.43193349,-509 ... 349))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-438405.666500747 -4299366.23767677,-503 ... 677))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-400588.951193713 -4365333.532287,-46626 ... 287))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-409160.489179734 -4388484.98554538,-474 ... 538))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-453963.150526169 -4408927.89965336,-519 ... 336))
Geometry: POLYGON ((-498317.413693272 -4321687.31588764,-563 ... 764))
using Plots