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Most operations here are the ArchGDAL operations that are exported again to work on Vectors of geometries as well. Like buffer below, it just calls buffer.(df.geom), note the dot. Hence, if you can't find your preferred ArchGDAL operations, you can still apply them yourself.

Geometric operations

df.geom = buffer(df.geom, 10);  # points turn into polygons
10×2 DataFrame
 Row │ geom                  name
     │ IGeometr             String
   1 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   2 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   3 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   4 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   5 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   6 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   7 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   8 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   9 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
  10 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test


#Either reproject the whole dataframe (which will set the correct metadata):
dfr = reproject(df, EPSG(4326), EPSG(28992))

# Or reproject the individual geometries only:
df.geometry = reproject(df.geometry, EPSG(4326), EPSG(28992))
10-element Vector{ArchGDAL.IGeometry{ArchGDAL.wkbPolygon}}:
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-472026.042542408 -4406233.59953401,-537 ... 401))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-417143.506054105 -4395423.99277048,-482 ... 048))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-450303.142569437 -4301418.89063867,-515 ... 867))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-434522.645535154 -4351075.81124634,-500 ... 634))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-443909.665585927 -4412565.43193349,-509 ... 349))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-438405.666500747 -4299366.23767677,-503 ... 677))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-400588.951193713 -4365333.532287,-46626 ... 287))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-409160.489179734 -4388484.98554538,-474 ... 538))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-453963.150526169 -4408927.89965336,-519 ... 336))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-498317.413693272 -4321687.31588764,-563 ... 764))


using Plots